onsdag 14 mars 2012

they're baking

leeds sprang länge runt och letade efter förkläden, hittar det inte.
hon förklarar vilka färger de har, så hittar irene de med en gång,
leeds min var oslagbar!

me and irene went shooopping (!!!)
jag: okay, what are we looking for?
irene: oh i'm not looking for anything.
jag: oh no? i thought that that was why we got here... (?)
irene: noo, i'm saving my money to travel.
jag: then why are we here?
irene: i don't know, i like to look at stuff..
jag: but you're not buying anything?
irene: that's right!

hahahah okay.....
vi köpte lite ändå mehehe

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